(signierte CDR mit
Preis: EUR 15 zuzüglich EUR 2 Versandkosten pro Lieferung (incl. 19% MWSt.)
Da hilft nur noch der
Blues. Wenn der "Old Man Trouble" an die Türe pocht, das Fernweh
nagt oder das Zipperlein plagt: "The Blues Will Help". Mit diesem Song
bringt "Dr. Fritz" die zentrale Message seines Debutalbums - "Blues
From Rose Valley" (ALISO Rcds.; Vertrieb ARIS Nr. 883 865-907) - auf
den Punkt. Zusammen mit dem bekannten Jazzgitarristen Toto Blanke hat
der Bluespianist und -sänger elf Originalsongs herausgebracht.
Bonustrack: eine Liveaufnahme mit dem kürzlich verstorbenen
Barrelhousepianisten Champion Jack Dupree.
Ein Album mit Seele, entstanden aus purer Freude an der Musik. Das
hört man - nicht nur im erdigen, warmen Klangbild, auch in den
lässigen, spielfreudigen Beiträgen der zahlreichen
Begleitmusiker, allesamt Freunde von "Dr.Fritz". Toto Blanke war von
den Songs so sehr angetan, daß er das Album sofort auf sein
"Aliso" Label nahm, es mit "Dr. Fritz" zusammen produzierte und das
Stück "Fiesta" mit einer mediterranen Gitarre verzauberte. Mit von
der Partie sind unter anderem der Schlagzeuger Andy Kupfer (Marburg),
Bassist Uli Körner (Bielefeld) und der Gitarrist Olaf Giebe
(München). Eingespielt wurden die Aufnahmen in dem Städtchen
Rosenthal - "Rose Valley". Der ehemalige Stall eines alten
Fachwerkhauses diente als improvisiertes Aufnahmestudio.
Die Geschichten, die - mal rockig, mal mit einem Hauch von Jazz, aber
immer voller Blues - erzählt werden, sind witzig, nehmen sich
selbst nicht allzu ernst. "Dr. Fritz" - mit bürgerlichem Namen
Fritz Werner Haver und ein bekannter Musikjournalist - kennt sich aus
in der Historie der Rockmusik. Seine Doktorarbeit schrieb er über
die Songpoesie von Bob Dylan. Kein Wunder, daß er in seinen
eigenen Songs immer wieder Elemente aus der Rock- und Bluesgeschichte
aufgreift und ironisiert. Aus dem traditionellen "Ugly Woman Blues"
wird bei ihm der "Lazy Woman Blues", ein flotter Boogie. In allen
Farben schildert "Dr. Fritz" eine Flutkatastrophe in Spanien, die "Flood In Cadaqués" und
beklagt sich dann resigniert über die Mißachtung, die oft
Livemusikern entgegenschlägt: "Don`t
Put Your Glass On My Piano".
Seinem Freund und Vorbild Champion Jack Dupree hat "Dr.Fritz" dieses
Album gewidmet. Vor zwei Jahren kam der legendäre
Barrelhousepianist nach "Rose Valley" und gab dort ein
dreistündiges Konzert - in dem besagten Stallgebäude. Zum
Schluß wurde zusammen improvisiert; und in dieser lockeren
Partyatmosphäre klingt das Album aus.
Dr. Fritz stürzt
uns in einen wahren Bluestaumel.
Die CD macht rundum Spaß. Der Blues taucht in all seinen
Schattierungen auf, vom Blues Waltz bis zum Rock 'n' Roll.
Dr. Fritz hat Geschichten zu erzählen. Hört sie euch an! (Uwe
Witsch in der Rheinischen Post)
Bei Weltschmerz und Liebeskummer kennt Dr. Fritz nur ein Rezept: Blues
und Boogie in hoher Dosierung. Seine musikalische Kurpackung "Blues
From Rose Valley" gibt es rezeptfrei und ohne schädliche
Nebenwirkungen. Ein spaßiges Album. (Steffen Radlmeier in
Nürnberger Nachrichten)
"... eine Top-Stimmung, die sich auch auf den Hörer
überträgt" ( Michael Ludwig in Badische Neueste Nachrichten)
"Diese knackig-frische CD ist ein wahrer Leckerbissen für
Blues-Freunde!" (Andreas Herkens in Aachener Zeitung)
Dr. Fritz
"Blues From Rose Valley"
Only the blues will help when "Ole' Man Trouble" keeps knocking at your
door, you feel like you wanna leave this town or some aches and pains
torture your body - "The Blues Will Help". This song is the essential
message of Dr. Fritz's first album, released in 1992. Together with the
well known German jazz guitar player Toto Blanke, Dr. Fritz recorded
and produced eleven original songs. Bonus Track: a song from a
jamsession with the great Barrelhouse pianoplayer Champion Jack Dupree.
anoplayer Champion Jack Dupree.
It's an album full of soul and love for music. You can hear that in the
warm, earthy sound and in the laid back contributions given by Dr.
Fritz's fellow musicians. Toto Blanke played some mediterranean jazz
guitar on the song "Fiesta" and thus gave it magic; most of the other
guitar parts were played by Olaf "O.G." Giebe, bass by Uli Köther
(Bielefeld) and drums by Andy Kupfer. The recordings took place in the
little town of Rosenthal - "Rose Valley", in the stables of a 400 year
old cottage.
The stories have a little rock 'n' roll, some jazz and are always full
of blues. They are good fun and don't take themselves too seriously.
Dr. Fritz - his full name is Dr. Fritz Werner Haver - is a well known
rock critic and got his PHD writing about the song lyrics of Bob Dylan.
No wonder that he always takes up and ironizes elements of rock and
blues history. The traditional "Ugly Woman Blues" becomes Dr. Fritz's
lament about that "Lazy Woman Blues", the "Flood In Cadaqués" is
a true story told in the tradition of the great novelty bluessongs and
"(Don't Put Your) Glass On My Piano" is Dr. Fritz's account of the lack
of respect musicians are suffering from these days.
The album is dedicated to his friend and professor, Champion Jack Dupree, who died in 1992. In August 1989, the legendary bluesman came to "Rose Valley" and played for three hours. "Christina Blues" is taken from that jam session.
The album "Blues From Rose Valley" came out in 1992 on Toto Blanke's
label "Aliso Records". It has been sold out quickly, but you can get
copies with the original artwork at Rose Valley Records now.
Die Titel:
1. Flood In
Cadaqués (Download
MP3 - 4,7 MB)
2. (Don`t Put Your) Glass On My
Piano (Download MP3 - 3,7
3. Hypochondriac Blues
4. Walking To You
5. Ain`t No River
6. Boys In The Band
7. Midnight Train
8. Fiesta
9. Lazy Woman Blues
10. Guitar In The Corner
11. The Blues Will Help
12. w/Jack Dupree: Christine
Flood In Cadaqués
When you go down south the sun will shine
I`d always thought, but that wasn`t right
It was in Cadaqués on the coast of Spain
Six days of storm, six days of rain
Yes, have you heard about the flood in Cadaqués
That happened a long time ago
Yeah, there were so many people drowning
How many nobody knows
It rained one day, and it rained one night,
Great big flash, out goes the light,
It rained for two days, and it rained for two nights
Look out your window there`s another cloud on the right
Yes, have you...
Yeah, there was a river where there had been a creek
that all happened on day number three
Two horses, a donkey and a big limousine,
A bus and an aeroplane, all swept into the sea
Yes, have you heard....
You know that lovely Juanita, where could she be?
That beautiful lady washed into the sea
Yes, and the butcher, the butler, and the Chief Of Police,
The Major, the Bishop, all drifting in the sea,
During that great big flood ...
Lady Luck knows how to shake that thing
But on day number four she lost her diamond ring
Screaming and swearing on day number five
But in the night she was running for her life
From that great big flood ...
Well, it rained for six days , and it rained for six nights
But on the seventh day, the sun was shining bright
After that great big flood ...
(Don`t Put Your) Glass On My
Well, you can walk down on the highway, you can try to get a ride
You can jump into the river, try to reach the other side
You can take my watch, take my money, too,
But don`t put your glass on my piano.
Well, I used to have a good friend, the best friend in my life
I let him drive my Cadillac, I let him kiss my wife
He even took my credit card, but that`s alright with me,
Until he put his glass on my piano.
Well, that Bourbon Whiskey, makes it sticky and wet
And if there`s wine in the glass, the piano will be red
And if they spill their beer, there ain`t nothing I can do
Because that good old piano will be out of tune.
I used to play the blues in a little harbour town
Everybody getting drunk, everybody liked the sound
There was Big Bill in the corner, big as a grizzly bear,
But then he put his glass on my piano...
Yes, all those things were different in the days that used to be
Musicians were respected, even a piano man like me
But now they`ve got computers, people don`t know how to play
And then they come and put their glasses on my piano...
Preis: EUR 15 zuzüglich EUR 2 Versandkosten pro Lieferung (incl. 19% MWSt.)